Here we describe the single parameter associated with maturation.
Table 1: Summary of model parameters associated with maturation.
In-text | In-code | Definition |
\(\color{blue}{as.matur}\) | \(\color{blue}{as.matur}\) | The probability of maturation from an immature stage to the mature stage for each cytotype. |
Maturation rate, \(as.mature = c(M_{2}, M_{3}, M_{4})\), is the probability an immature will become reproductively mature. Each generation the number of immature individuals that become mature is sampled based on a binominal distribution with \(c_{i,1}(t)\) trials and probability of success equal to \(M_{i}\). As maturation rate increases, the number of individuals that mature increases (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Expected number of individuals to mature when
we sample a binomial distribution based on the the maturation