
My research broadly encompasses evolution and ecology of flowering plants, with a specific focus on genome size diversity in the form of whole-genome duplication, or polyploidy. As an plant evolutionary and computational biologist, I am able to implement a holistic approach to understand the consequences of whole genome duplication across temporal and spatial scales. I am also passionate about using natural history collections in research and education.

Whole Genome Duplication

Whole genome duplication is when additional copies of all chromosomes occur. Instead of having 2 copies of each chromosome (like humans), polyploids may have 3 or more copies of each chromosome. The extra set of chromosomes can be inherited from the same individual—this is known as autopolyploidy.

Polyploidy is known to play an important role in the evolution and diversification of vascular plants. So far, most research has shown that whole genome duplication alone does not lead to a single set of expectations (other than maybe the nucleotypic effect), instead there are dynamic ecological or evolutionary consequences. The search for general patterns or trends associated with polyploidy events still remains – and this is a particularly interesting and fun topic to pursue.

Population Ecology and Genetics

My dissertation focused on investigating coexistence of multiple cytotypes. Historically, it was believed that a tetraploid had to outcompete its diploid progenitor to persist. The idea was that a tetraploid formed, spread, and caused the diploid to be geographically restricted and rare (Stebbins, 1947, 1971). We now know that closely related polyploids and their diploid progenitors can both remain extant.

Theory: To understand stability of coexisting cytotypes, I designed a new matrix population model with demographic and environmental stochasticity. Here, I identified that stable coexistence is very probable among mixed-cytotypes, even when reproductive isolation is absent. See Gaynor et al. 2025 and our R package, AutoPop. To find out more about this project, check out my 2024 Polyploidy Webinar.

The genetic consequences of mixed-cytotype populations with ongoing gene flow among cytotypes are mostly unknown. Therefore, this model has been extended to the Modern Synthesis with the incorporation of genotypes, mutation, and more. To find out more about our genetic model check out my 2021 Polyploidy Webinar.

Nature: Much of my population-level work has focused on autopolyploid Galax urceolata (Diapensiaceae), which includes diploid, triploid, and tetraploid cytotypes co-occurring throughout the Southern Appalachians. Along with ongoing population genetic research, we investigated the cytogeography of G. urceolata in relation to stomatal cell size, soil chemistry, soil fungal and bacterial community composition, and broad-scale climate. To hear more about this work, check out my talk at Evolution 2024.

Methods: Identifying ploidal diversity is a crucial first step to understanding the impact of WGD on patterns of biodiversity. To address shortcomings of available ploidal level inference methods, I developed the easy-to-use R package nQuack. To hear more about this project, check out the second half of my 2024 Polyploidy Webinar.

Galax urceolata (Diapensiaceae).

Phylogenetics and Beyond

To understand the long-term consequences of WGD on ecological and community dynamics, phylogenetic-scale analyses are necessary.

At a community level, the effects of genome duplication remains unclear, therefore with Drs. Julienne Ng and Robert Laport we used a community phylogenetic approach to began to unravel the influence of genome duplication in communities of Rosaceae and Brassicaceae species. We tested (1) whether polyploid species are more distantly related to diploids within the same community than co-occurring diploids are to one another and (2) whether polyploid species tend to exhibit greater ecological success than diploid species. We did not find a consistent pattern, suggesting whole genome duplication impact on community structure may not be very black and white.